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Squirting in her 60s? Let’s go!

I swear, I love it when you send me your email stories. 

You’re just proving time and time again that having a wonderful sex life isn’t only for the young, energetic youth of today. 

And that using the techniques that we teach, just about any woman can be gently led to the point of ejaculatory climax. 

I received an email from someone in their 60s who’s enjoying his sex life the second time around, this time with a new lover. And he’s even led her to experience an ejaculatory orgasm.

Check out his email and my response below.

Click Here For Female Liquid Orgasm ⇐ Squirt Your Heart Out With Tallulah’s Guidance 

Download The Soulmate Embrace Book For FREE Here ⇐ Easy And Simple Technique Melts Lovers In Each Other’s Arms 

Soulmate Embrace 510


“Susan, thank you for your beautiful emails, videos, and courses/programs. They helped me immensely in my second marriage.

Last year, I wrote to you about one of your topics as my wife and I worked through cancer treatment procedures. You were kind enough to recommend your book “Soulmate Embrace.” This was fantastic, given that regular lovemaking was out of the question due to the Chemo. Thank you for that beautiful gift that kept us together for the last few months.

Terri passed away after 22 years as my best friend, lover, wife, and mother of our combined family of 6 kids at the end of October. All are now grown and have their kids and lives.

When Terri was on her last day, I contacted as many friends as possible to let them know she was slipping fast. Many came back with well-wishing thoughts. Terri passed away the day after I started notifying friends.

One of her childhood friends started talking to me after Terri passed away. We met 20 years ago when she wanted to reconnect with Terri.

Cathy and I have been talking regularly since mid-December. In February of the same year, she had lost her estranged husband, so some of our discussions were on grief initially. Our conversations were about suffering and how we both knew Terri. We continued to talk despite the (my) kids having feelings that Cathy may be taking advantage of my situation. 

I have since been traveling 16 hours to see her, and the sparks flew. Using the techniques in your program (which also helped Terri and I have a great love and partner life together), we have bonded quite well. The “Female Liquid Orgasm” has been the most helpful. I have now been able to bring another woman (over 60) into the squirting and G-spot orgasm world. 

The kids (mine) do not think it is appropriate this early in the grieving process. I am over 60 now and unsure how much time I may have left to enjoy life.

Do you have any advice for seniors who enjoy sex, have enjoyed sex with a serious lover, partner, and friend for a long time, and don’t want to hang up their genitals in retirement yet?

Thank you for all you do for people to have better and fantastic sex.” — Bruno (not his real name)


Hi Bruno, 

I’m sorry about Terri’s passing. And I’m so pleased that you could hold her in the Soulmate Embrace many times before she moved on.

My dad got engaged to his grief counselor after losing his second wife. They went on to have a wonderful 20-year marriage until he passed away last year at 83. His wife, my stepmother, is very dear to me, and a legacy he left me was her love and caring.

Your kids are just dumbshits like kids can be. They mean well and are just trying to keep you safe. You and Cathy start dating and have as much fun as possible. Explain it to your kids as they go. They will get with the program.

I’m so proud of you for helping your lovers ejaculate. You know what a divine experience it is… and what a gift to give.

Let me know how things go. Time to heat up that love life! Terri would be so happy that you and Cathy have found each other. She doesn’t want you to be alone.

Click Here For Female Liquid Orgasm ⇐ Squirt Your Heart Out With Tallulah’s Guidance 

Download The Soulmate Embrace Book For FREE Here ⇐ Easy And Simple Technique Melts Lovers In Each Other’s Arms

g spot orgasm squirt

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and our collective brands are personal opinions. The statements made within this email/website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

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